Monday, May 18, 2015

My long awaited shrine.........................

I bought this frame years ago from a lovely etsy seller....I've always had the intention to make it into a special tribute/shrine to my sweet Mom who passed a few years ago. I miss her each and every day. I have no words for just how much. I've gathered bits and pieces over the past few years of what I wanted to include.

I had this photo of her holding me when I was a baby, her handwriting is on the back. I'm glad I never rushed this project because each and every element included have come into my possession in just the last couple of years, with the exception of the photo of course.

I've always loved the shabby details on this frame and the fact that it's rather deep suited my needs perfectly! I glued down some of my favorite wallpaper as a background then started adding some of my favorite pieces that I own....after all, this is a special piece!

A vintage scapular.......

The other side of the's draped over the top of the frame.

I feel so blessed to have this special photo of my Mom holding me as an infant......she was beautiful inside and out!!!!

Have you ever made a "shrine" or special tribute to someone you love? This piece will hang in my newly remodeled studio so that I can see my sweet Mom every day and think of her. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

It's been a long and winding road.................!!!!

 I'm not at all sure where the time has gone but I do know that I've been B-U-S-Y!!!!
But who hasn't, right?
 I've had a heck of a time even getting my blog back......what in the heck has happened to google? Or was it just me?  Who knows, not even worth debating.
 I've gone through a massive studio re-haul and am exhausted! Trying to make my studio work WITH me, not AGAINST me!
 My sister and I have also 86'd the whole antique mall 'booth' concept. Nothing against the concept, just didn't work for us and I'll leave it at that........:).
 This piece is one that I bought for our booth that has a new happier home in my own personal studio! It's a perfect fit for all of my pretty dolls.
 I've been purging in a HUGE way and you can find all sorts of goodies in my Etsy shop that used to live in my studio........I'm sharing with the world! Some have even taken me up on my offerings and for that I thank them!
This special table is one that my dh bought me for Mother's day. I saw it in the mall and hesitated....when I went back it was gone............!!!! Oh no! We've all been there, right?
Well, dh had purchased it for me and kept it a secret for an entire week....I'm impressed!

In any event, I thank those who have inquired about me and what happened with my blog or lack thereof...... It means a lot to me and you know who you are!!!

In other news my sweet dd is about to graduate from 8th grade and her one and only school so we have a ton of festivities just ahead of us.......all great! What a special time in a young persons life.
She's such a wonderful girl, we are truly blessed.

Hope you're all well.......I look forward to getting back into the blogging world.