Monday, December 29, 2008
My before and after frame....
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Lollishops up and running.....

I hope you all had a great, relaxing Christmas...we stayed home because of the weather and decided to do our family get together in January. Kind of nice to extend the season this way anyway!
The attached ad is for Lollishops, and appears in the latest Somerset Life magazine. The ad is right inside the front cover, so it's kind of hard to miss....yay!
My "littlebeachdesigns" Valentine journal is there, so I had to scramble to set up my shop quickly. I got my journal posted, along with some other items I've crafted. It's kind of amazing to see something you've made for sale online.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Jesus is the reason for the season....
We bring it out every year, and our 8yo dd loves it!
Our snow finally started to melt today and hopefully I can get out this weekend to get some last minute gifts. This has been a tough week with our weather being so very strange and unpredictable. I've been without a car, by choice, all week so dh could drive the safer car to work.
I'm looking forward to going out tomorrow, been inside a bit too much.
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
These boots are made for walkin' (well, almost).....
So I've "needed" new boots for awhile...actually I really have, my old ones are wearing down in the heel and are probably 3 yrs. old. So I see this ad in our paper for Frye boots, and dang they're cute, so I mosey on down to the shoe store to check them out.
They were about $187, give or take a $$ or two. That's a lot for me to spend on any shoe, but hey it's Christmas time, right?
So first I head over to the sale racks, just to check out what's on there. And lo and behold, my eye spies these cuties! And instead of their normal $150 price tag, they're marked down to $49.97!
Yikes, I don't know how many little old ladies I knocked over to get my mitts on these babies!
Hopefully they didn't get too hurt...just kidding!
Of course, they hurt like the dickens (pun intended) right now because they are a wee bit snug.
But hey, I saved my dh some big bucks because these were going to be my Christmas present. Of course I was gonna go for the full boot for more $$, but I just couldn't pass these up, and I actually prefer mules because they're so much easier to get on and off.
Now he's gonna have to get me that dang expensive digital camera I want. (hint, hint).
Monday, December 15, 2008
Blog Party holiday decor....
Thanks Heather from Pretty Petals for hosting this fun party.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Merry Christmas to all!!!!!
I copied these two images onto cardstock paper and then glittered them and made them into tags....I'm sure I'll be making more soon :).
I'll be opening my Lollishop soon, not quite ready yet but lots of people are already selling their beautiful art there! Good luck to us all with this fun new venue, thanks to Sadie Lou and all her hard work....
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Busy week coming up....
Well, this week will prove interesting, but fun! My bff, Melanie, is coming tomorrow and staying until Tuesday afternoon! We'll have a blast thrifting and creating. And I'm sure laughing until our stomachs hurt.
Wednesday is a half day for dd , Thursday the big turkey day, Friday a Christmas tree decorating party at dh's office. Saturday is the big Civil War football game in Corvallis, go Beavers!!!!!
Rose Bowl, here we come...
Friday is the huge opening of Lollishops, I woke up in a cold sweat at 5:30 this am feeling very unprepared for it, but it will all work out. I've been creating new things all day.
I hope you all have a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving, and are surrounded by people you love.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
More generosity from someone sweet....
Anyhoo, Lisa, can't thank you enough! These papers are absolutely gorgeous.....I'll do something fab with them, including something fun coming back your way.
Thanks for thinking of little ole me, I'm touched.....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Random thoughts, creations, thrift finds, & a pet peeve....
So here's my pet peeve (ok, it's only one of my many pet peeves).
Dh invites me to join him last week for a nice dinner (he's there on business but spouses were invited also). The location was a beautiful lodge up in Washington, and it was so peaceful and just gorgeous. The lobby was outstanding with a huge fireplace, lots of comfy chairs, free coffee, etc. (you get the idea). And the view out the windows, well, it was breathtaking.
So while dh is in his meeting Friday morning I take some mags to go sit in the lobby and just enjoy the ambiance, better than sitting in my room (or so I thought).
I find a comfy chair, pull out a magazine (where women create) and start to read, only the hear the idiot all the way across the lobby (and believe me, it's a big lobby) talking very loudly on his cell phone. Felt like I was sitting right next to him. Now I know it's a public space and all that, but come on people! Whatever happened to courtesy? Can someone please tell me where it's gone? What I did? Got up and walked outside (yes it was a bit chilly) because I was talking with my bff, Melanie, on my cell and didn't want the world to hear, or to disturb anyone.
What I wish I had done? Gotten up, walked over to said idiot, and just stood in front of him until he acknowledged me. Then I wish I would have said this: "I know this is a public space and you have as much right to be here as anyone else, but apparently I'm the only one here with enough guts to come up and ask you to please lower your voice so that everyone here isn't privvy to your conversation, which we really don't want to hear."
Man, I wish I would have done time I promise I will, and unfortunately I know there will be a next time.
What would you have done?
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