Grab a cup o' tea or joe, whatever your preference, and check out the "finds" on our trip......
This sewing basket Mel spotted at Monticello and I made her go back and buy it for me....
The dolly below is also from Monticello........$12.....

The beautiful wallpapered box below was from Mel's store "All My Favorite Things", the cutie hangar was from a Lion's sale in Garibaldi......it was 25cents.

Sorry for the next two pictures and their fuzziness, this is a HUGE ledger book that Mel gave me....why would she just give me that you say? Because she had two of them! That's right, my best friend loves to share, and I'm so grateful she does....

She also gave me the sweet doll head above, and the cute initial "G" note cards below.

We went to a thrift store in Portland and she snagged these three jewelry boxes for me, I've already added some wallpaper to the smallest one, it had a really faded top.

Mel also gave me all the old envelopes above, I scored the cool cigar box, that I'll probably cover with old wallpaper, at a thrift store...

I spotted the head form above on Mel's blog, and asked her to hold it for me so I could buy it....
love it to pieces....

The reams of paper above were purchased at the infamous school sale at the coast, there must be thousands of sheets in there, and Mel has just as much if not more than me. We went berserk I tell ya!

Check out the supplies above, I screamed when I opened the box! Old dennison tickets, huge round tickets with silver rims, plastic coated tags with thin wire attached, too many brads to count....

Look at these cool phonics cards, Mel got one box, I got the other :). She also got one with math flash cards that I didn't want (too many bad memories tied to those bad boys).

I scored in the trim department, look at this fantastic french trim with sparkly gold on it....too pretty for words so I'll shut up......

And this might be my favorite find at the coast, yards and yards of this beautiful trim that looks like it has glitter on it, it just sparkles......

The note below pretty much sums up this purchase, doesn't it?

Well, I hope you enjoyed seeing the fruits of our "labor" over the weekend. I tell ya, when Mel and I get together it's just magical, we have the best luck and the best time.......can't wait for our next "buying" trip.