Thank you Karen Valentine for hosting such a great event, I love peeking into other creative souls work spaces....as you can see, I love florals but I also love paper, perhaps even more...

I love to store things in see-through hat boxes, what could be prettier? I really like to have my supplies visible if possible, otherwise I tend to forget about them!

My window itself is not a thing of beauty so I hung vintage sheet music from the rod to add some interest...

The frame above was an ugly gold so I painted it white and strung wire across it, propped it in my window, and used baby clothespins to hang revolving items from it...

I became obsessed with dress forms and am lucky to have three of them....love their shapes,

These shelves above my workdesk had doors on them before and when I removed them it's like I breathed a huge sigh of relief, again that whole being able to see what you have thing...it makes a big difference for me...this is where I keep most of my tags and tickets that I make, it's paper central....

I love to store things in old cigar boxes and these old file boxes above...it really helped to trim the shelves with pretty crochet trim too....they weren't things of beauty...

The shelf above on the left was ugly when I bought it so it got the wallpaper treatment...the tiny wire hanger is the perfect shade of pink and it's so tiny, I had never seen one that small before.

Items above on my vintage dresser, it stays messy most of the time....

This is a child's crinoline on my first little dress form I bought (not old) at Home Goods....

The cardboard dress form is fun and unique, but they can be found on ebay, I bought mine on the Oregon Coast while on vacation last year...


A Vintage banner I made is over the door of my studio....

A magazine rack that I wallpapered has mostly music books in it....

Vintage sewing items above and below...

Lots of vintage bias trim hanging behind my door......these are a few photos of my space, thanks so much for coming by for a visit......can't wait for all the inspiration to come!!!