Well, it's official, I am completely incapable of leaving an antique store without something made out of paper.....it's just a fact. The group of books above are so cool, they have an off-white sepia looking cover and leather spines.....just cool.

I'm showing this cigar box above that I bought online because of it's cool graphic...

Aren't these boxes fun? Just love them for storage in my studio, they have more character than any other kind of storage (in my book anyway :)).

Look at this cute vintage handwriting tablet, best friend may need this for an upcoming display window...we'll see.

This item above and below is very interesting...I asked the owner of Yankee Trader (Carrie) if she had any ledger books and she brought me this. It's obviously not a ledger but was so cool inside with all the flaps to hold cards. I haven't decided if I want it for postcards or to make an awesome shadow-box item out of it.....

Check out the little pad of rent receipts below with the cutest graphics ever!

The Tom Thumb cash register is adorable and still works, even though part of the drawer is missing, I can still hold little bits in it on my work desk....it's sitting on a great little file box with a really cool handle on it. Love these for storage too....

Last but certainly not least is what I found at Farmhouse Funk near Astoria, this cool celluloid Christmas photo album, broken clasp and all. It will be great to display unless I decide to sell it.

Thanks for checking out my fun finds, all but the last item came from the same store in Gearhart, Yankee Trader, so if you ever find yourself in that area you must check it out! Carrie is wonderful, you'll love her store!
great finds Gail...the cigar boxes you found have the prettiest graphics...and i just adore the album, it really is sweet!!!
You found some great things Gail!
Love the old books! I'm a sucker for books!
You are a gal after my own heart! I love old books, paper, more paper, and vintage boxes. Your finds are just wonderful! What fun you had on your vacation!
Oh Girl!! I want those books!!! Ican't pass up the old books:) Everything is awesome. Lucky Girl!I would be glad to make a background for you sweetie. Now, just remember it would only be my third one so you have to patient with my fumblings. LOL!! Give me some ideas about what you would like and I will do my best:) Love, Jamie
Great find. I thought you might like to hear about this great FREE giveaway and easy rules. Ends Sunday. http://marianneshouseofshopping.blogspot.com/
I was over at Just Something I Made at the labels from Worcseter and saw your comment and I had to click over and say hello. I too was born in Worcester and still live nearby. What a small world!
Hi Gail!
Wonderful finds! I love all your treasures and was just looking for some cigar boxes myself! Thanks for stopping by my Give Back...I will be sure to enter you twice...Have a great day and keep hunting those treasures down! Take care, Laura :)
Hi Gail what fun treasures you have been finding! Looks like you have gotten in some fun family time as well. Good for you.Have a great week ~Kathy
Oh my goodness! This is great stuff and the receipts with the little house on them are just too cute!
Linda K at unlimited possibiilities
Okay, I have to leave another comment....
1) love the books. I have the SAME problem.
2) HOW do you burn the edges of your photos?
3) I'm adding you to my blog roll, like, right now.
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