So when Melanie was down visiting one of the places we went to was an antique mall in Springfield that she had never been too. I like it because it has a great range of prices, and we actually found quite a bit there of interest, in addition to meeting "Willie" who took us upstairs (What? I didn't even know there was an upstairs!) It was more a storage unit than anything else and he let us "shop" out of it and gave us some great deals. Mel was on the hunt for certain things, one of them being old Doctor's bags. I must admit I had seen this bag several times before when I had visited this mall but never bothered to look inside it. You can bet I'll never make that mistake again! She nabbed it and I saw it and thought, o.k., it's a Doctor's bag, not really what I'd buy, but whatever. Then she asked me if I had looked inside the bag. I said no.....and so she showed me..........

Then I started crying! OMG, just look at it. So from that moment on I basically made the biggest fool out of myself possible, lamenting the fact that I hadn't found it first, etc. Guess I was good at it because she let me have it. And now it's one of my favorite things I own...I'm now deliberating what to showcase inside it....it is pretty fragile so it can't take tons of "handling" but it's such a great smaller size case and I actually think this was a woman's travel valise based on the floral liner inside, don't you think so too?
oh dear, don't be mad at me...you better check out my blog...
love your doctor bag (and I use that term "your" lightly...)
love ya!
your bff
Gail, no doubt that Melanie really is a best friend. No one else would have let go of the Doctor's Bag:)hehehe
Oooooh!! That fabric is fabulous! Your friend is a real sweetheart to give that to you!!
a perfect example of the phrase "never judge a book by it's cover"...or in this case, a doctor's bag...who woulda thunk it would be so pretty inside...what a good friend to let you have it!!!
That is just lovely! suzie. xxx
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