This old pincushion was quite a find at our local fleamarket......

A barkcloth shoebag I've had for years put into good service in my studio.....

Lovely Nancy Ann dolls.......

This little chest was found at Goodwill and transformed with vintage wallpaper, the Nancy Ann dolls were all found at St. Vinnie's. It was so fun to clean their dresses and make them more presentable!!!!

This little dress form was something I found at Goodwill and covered in leftover bits of wallpaper. The little house is chipboard from crafty secrets....covered in my favorite wallpaper.

Here is some of my storage in my studio, love the clear hatboxes...makes it so easy to find what I need.

These items are in the window of my studio...clothespins covered with wallpaper, so cute to use for so many things, vintage lace wrapped around wallpapered holders, vintage french postcards, and antique calling cards.

This candy box is one of my recent favorites, it's huge and so beautiful! It's sitting on a hatbox that my best friend, Melanie, gave me. I left the bottom striped and covered the lid with my favorite wallpaper....

Isn't this old shoe shine box cute? Courtesy of St. Vincent de Paul! The suitcase is from Goodwill.

Here is a picture of my little wire dress form (thank you Home Goods) because I don't have room for a full size form. The little tags are ones I made from vintage wrapping paper and wallpaper.