Monday, December 28, 2009
What do you do to celebrate New Year's?
It's almost that time....New Year's!!! I've started taking down a few of my decorations, how about you?
We always leave our tree and nativity up through the Epiphany, and my snowman mantle will stay put for awhile since it's so Winter oriented. I usually leave them out until Valentine's Day and try to combine some valentines in with the snowmen :).
Hopefully you all had a wonderful Christmas...ours was fabulous, time spent with extended family and time just on our own on Christmas day, playing with our new toys, reading new books, watching movies, eating....all the good stuff!
I took down all our Christmas cards we received and decided to display all my vintage New Year's postcards....I really dislike hiding them in a drawer somewhere, they're just too pretty!
Dd and I hit Target this a.m. to see what was going on, they have lots of Christmas items left, all at 50% off. We didn't buy much at all because we really don't need anything.
This will be a relaxing week with dd still on this time with her! Hope you're all doing well and have a great New Year!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
What is it about creating something?
I'm making a lot of gifts for friends and relatives this year as Christmas presents, what about you?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The biggest dictionary evah!!!!
So those were my meager finds for the day...not much but since I was going to the thrift store to drop things off I figured I may as well walk in and see what's going on.
Have you found any thrifty finds lately?
Friday, December 11, 2009
What I want for Christmas.....
In any case, this is the little guy I made last night for my dd's advent calendar. Since I've been sick all week I finally got out yesterday to do a little shopping but for the life of me I couldn't find anything cute to put in her, what's the saying, "neccessity is the mother of invention", or something like that. She was happy with him so that's all that matters, right?
I'm very smitten lately with these little chenille ornaments so I'm going to make a few more, they have such a charming vintage feel to them.....
What have you made lately?
Monday, December 7, 2009
I want to live in this house....
Oh well, c'est la vie, right? I'll keep eating my soup and hopefully will feel good enough to go out tomorrow........hope you're all well....
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Let the festivities begin!!!
Yesterday we went to get two trees, one for the house and one for dh's office. I finally got rid of the pumpkins in front of my house (thought it might be time since our neighbors already have their Christmas lights and wreaths up!) oops....hate being that one weird house on the street, don't you?
Today will be more decorating inside and some crafting for me, I have some unfinished projects just calling my's freezing here so a good day to stay in.....I hope you all are having a great start to the season!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving friends!!!!
I hope you all have a fun and relaxing day with family and friends....I'm so blessed to have both!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Christmas tags anyone?
I'm really trying hard to get a few items in my etsy shop, why is that so hard for me? Guess it's just finding the time...when I started my shop I had visions of grandeur like "How fun, I'll get up every day and craft, then just list my items and away we go!" Well, then real life intervened (we all know how that goes) and I just really struggle with finding the time. So I've decided to quit pressuring myself and just list things as I have time, after all, I'm lucky I don't have any deadlines to meet and (thank goodness) am not having to make my living based only on etsy.
Moving on...please note the photo below of the green metal cabinet that I got from Melanie a while back that I said I was going to make over......
well, below is the new and improved version, complete with labels (of course I haven't gotten around to labeling the drawers yet, but soon, very soon :)
BTW, those adorable labels came from Cathe Holden of Just Something I Made. Love her blog and all her creative ideas!
I'm happy to say that I have items in just about every drawer! What a perfect organizer for my this sooooo much, thanks Mel!
I'm smiling at you with really, really white teeth!
Love you my friend!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Cleaning, and cleaning, and cleaning some more.....
if I ever get my computer back and running the first thing I'm going to do is update my Etsy shop!
It looks so forlorn and lonely and unkempt to I've been cleaning my studio I've found so very many items to list in my shop, things I'm now ready to part with.
No more shopping for me for awhile, I just have too much "stuff" right now! When it's cleaned up I can't wait to start creating for Christmas...................hope you're all having a great week!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Not to whine but.....
I'm still without my computer.....the "fix" was short-lived. When the computer tech tells you "I tried but I couldn't get it to act-up for me", well that's never good news now, is it? Because you know that the minute you get it home it's all downhill from there. And well, I'm unhappy to report that this time I was right, it lasted for a while and it was so nice to have my computer least for a bit. Tomorrow back to the shop.
I'm using dh's tonight so I can actually update my blog. I want to show you some before pics of my wonderful (only one of them mind you) present from Melanie. Just the coolest metal cabinet ever! It was a green color but I painted it and you'll just have to be patient for the after photos. I love it to pieces and look forward to fixing up the inside drawers and then filling it with all my stuff.
Hope everyone had a great Halloween, our holiday was somewhat "hijacked" because of a local football game, in other words most kids went trick or treating Friday night instead of Saturday. Made me extremely unhappy but nothing I could do about that. Dd had a wonderful time and what's more important than that? Nothing I tell ya! We have tons of leftover candy too, yikes.
Right now I'm exhausted because I took down ALL my decorations today, inside and out, and lemme tell ya, I have a lot of decorations. Just pooped but it feels good to get my house cleaned up and ready to stage the next holiday!
Have a great week everyone, hopefully the next time I blog I'll have a fixed/new computer.....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Computers can be a pain!!!!!
Wow, it's been a frustrating couple of weeks from a technology standpoint...and right before Halloween. I would love to have offered more items in my Etsy shop, but since my 'puter wasn't having it, it's too late now!
Oh well, onward and upward, there's always that little holiday called Christmas! And besides, I don't really need a holiday to create something cool, right?
I've been really busy cleaning and organizing my studio and getting dd ready for the big night on Saturday....she can't wait!
I did get up to Portland to see my best friend, Melanie. That was a blast and she gave me some of the coolest stuff yet! As soon as I get some photos I'll post them....meanwhile I hope you all have a happy and safe Halloween :).
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
A fun holiday project.....
Go get yourself a tin sign, one that will take magnets...mine was originally a Bar type sign, so I painted it black, and luckily the corners already had the lovely white scrolls. Bought this at Michael's. My fun images on the magnets were from Lisa's Altered Art, you must check her out! FAB, is all I can say!
Go get yourself some little pieces of thin wood (about 1.5 in.) also at Michael's. Right next to the wood pieces you'll find little thin magnet squares to fit on the back of the tiles you'll make.
Buy your images, cut them out, glue onto the wood tile, age them with inks, stick magnet on back of tile, then I used old orange game pieces from a lotto game for my numbers on each tile.
Then I used copper color stickles to outline my calendar days.....super easy and sparkly!
Then I had some leftover stickers that I applied to the dd loves getting up every day and seeing how many days are left until Halloween. And next year we'll pull it out and do it again...
On a thrifting note, look what I found at Goodwill yesterday. Now I know not everyone wants an old beat up music stand, but I did and I was lucky enough to find one for $4.99. It's the perfect amount of chippy, adjustable, and lightweight...what more could you ask for?

This will be fun to decorate with, I have soooooo many old books and vintage sheet music....
Go create something fun people.......
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Witch boots, haunted mantel, and a ledger....
My big project this week is cleaning my studio.......again :(. Wish I had magic fairies to keep it clean, I really do.
Hope you all have a great week, and happy creating :)).
Sunday, October 4, 2009
More Halloween to come......
Well, if you've not experienced the weirdness of a computer going rogue you're lucky!
Mine decided to do some really strange things on Friday that really scared me. Even worse was when dh got home and looked at it and heard the sounds it was making he said, "It doesn't sound good." In other words the hard drive was fried or the mother board (whatever that is) was history. Either way, all I could think about was.......what about all my "stuff" downloads, my purchases, my email, all of it........gone......
Well, because my dh is so talented..he got it going again, and needless to say I now have backup so I don't have this happen again.
Can you really afford to lose everything that's on there? I know I can't.
Just some advice, take it or leave it......I know what I'd do.......
Soon I'll be posting some new Halloween goodies in my etsy shop........stay tuned...again!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Kickin' Halloween into high gear.......
This is my latest creation....I'm really trying to work on using all elements of the paper items I find, in this case, books. So the covers can be used as either a matte board for a collage or re-use them for art journals. I don't throw anything away, so what to do with the book pages?
Well, even though this isn't my original idea (to crease the pages and fan them out this way) I find that this method makes a great and original "photo stand" for seasonal artwork.
This was so fun to make....
It will be listed in my Etsy shop soon.....along with some other Halloween goods.
Happy creating....don't you find it easier now that the weather has cooled down and we have a reason to stay inside? I'm loving it!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Isn't it amazing how....
having an unorganized kitchen can halt forward motion? For me at least, this week at kitchen has been giving me fits for a while now. It's a standard kitchen of the 80's with all of the inefficiency therein....the standard cabinets that are a pain in the rear to get into. So I'm just trying to be smarter than my cabinets....I think I'm winning!
Until we can afford new, updated, sleek cabinets, I'm stuck with what I have. Which means I have to be that much more organized...not always my forte but I'm trying...and I'm persistent.
And boy does it feel good to get rid of all the extra junk that we don't use anymore that's just been taking up valuable space!!!
Looks like a trip to St. Vinnie's is in my immediate future...yah!
Now I can feel free to get in my craft room and create some more Halloween goodies......stay tuned....
Monday, September 21, 2009
My flea pickings..........
Thanks for checking in, I'll be listing new etsy items, hopefully today if my pictures came out ok.
Hope everyone has a great week, it's supposed to be in the 90's here for about the next 3 days.
Happy Fall!!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Went to the flea today.........
I only wish I had more money with me.....I took a $20 bill out of dh's wallet and set out...wish I had grabbed more!
I had to pass up two very lovely hat boxes for $15! AAcckkkkkk, that one hurt...oh well, that's one way to make sure you don't spend too much, right?
I'll post pics tomorrow of the four items I did buy.....the sun is out so I could have taken pics but it's so dang windy here and that always wreaks havoc with my photos....and trust me, I need all the help I can get in that department :). Oh well, can't be great at everything.....
I hope you all had a nice relaxing weekend, we went to a football game yesterday (our team lost) and today went out to lunch and then went on a nice walk to a local park where I proceeded to fill my pockets with them!
I feel some Fall decorating coming on, how about you?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Some Colby Cottage love.....
They had their "soft open" on Tuesday and it was so fun walking in and seeing all the beautiful vignettes that Kathy is so known for....I purchased the beautiful pillow above (it's huge, about 22x20 and filled with the squishiest down insert), the "perfect shade of pink velvet" jewelry case, and the oh-so-cool old shoe form.
I love it all.....and I'll be back tomorrow for their GRAND OPENING at 10am sharp...with a friend of course, because friends tell other friends about Colby Cottage.
Kathy has so many beauties for sale and the prices are very reasonable...happy, happy, happy.
So do yourself a favor, go grab your calendar right now and find a time to come check out this beautiful new store, you'll be so glad you did.
(And no, I promise she hasn't hired me to be her new personal agent or anything like that!)
BTW, the pillow I purchased did not come with that flower, it's one I already owned and decided that my pillow needed it, not that it's not gorgeous on it's own....because clearly it is.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Trying to find my routine........
So two blogs in a row with no photos.......aaaaacccckkkkkkkkkk!!!!
Never thought I'd do that. So much going is dh and my 14 year anniversary, dd's 1st day of 3rd grade....and Sunday is her 9th birthday. So just a bit going on. So what else is new?
Tonight we're going out as a family to a nice dinner to celebrate all the good (and let's face it, there's a lot of good :))
Friday I hope to get to Monticello since the former trip didn't work out (car troubles). Dying to see my bff, Melanie, just miss her to bits!
Wish me luck with this trip........I really need some shopping therapy, hasn't happened in quite a while.........
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Is anything better than back to school time?
Tomorrow is our dd's first day of 3rd grade......where has the time gone? She's over-the-moon excited to go, today we visited classrooms, took pictures, etc., and she can't wait!
Me, I'm a little sad......excited for her but sad at the same time. This is what she needs to grow in every way, and I'm so happy for her in her excitement! I do remember what it was like, the anticipation, the smells, the nerves...all of it. The supplies, seeing old friends.
For me, the first few days are the's really quiet around the house, all my activities are based around her pick-up time..........and I can't wait for that!
"How was your first day, what was for lunch, what did you do on the playground, who did you play with?"
Sigh........a new routine is beginning.....
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The time is drawing near, and I can't wait!!!!!!
I'll try to take lots of pictures for those of you who can't get to's superb! As is Melanie's shop, I'm making her a Halloween coffee filter banner to put in her window for the "wicked season".
Did I say "I can't wait" yet?
BTW, the pretty clock above was just listed in my Etsy today.....
Sunday, August 30, 2009
It's beginning to look a lot like....Halloween!!!!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Estate sales....the happy and the sad....
I just can't help but wonder about who this woman was and what brought her to where she ended you ever wonder like I do about the people at estate sales and what happened to them? Although it was a humble trailer, she had some lovely collectible items.....makes me wonder. I'm choosing to think that she was a widow and decided to downsize years ago and just keep those things that were the most precious to her...that's what I'm choosing to think.
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