Sunday, July 28, 2013

What I've been up to lately........

Well, creating of course! I've been digging into my stash of items to create with and actually am using them.....yay for me. It's about time! I love creating for Halloween and rather than just sell this scary doll head I decided to make a cabinet of curiosities for creepy dolls.
Admittedly not everyone's cup of tea but all it takes is one person to love it, right?
I had a lot of fun putting that one together, I even made his little hat.

And I came across a tutorial recently on how to create sculptures out of much fun! It's actually very relaxing just sitting there folding the pages over and over. The fun part is deciding what to put on the inside covers. I chose antique ledger pages for this particular sculpture, but in the future I can see using some of my vintage wallpapers.
This was just listed in my Etsy shop and there will be more of these to addition to making some for myself of course!
So, what will you make today?


Andy's Attic said...

Perfect use for a creepy doll head!

Kathy said...

I love creepy dolls! I like the pedistal for the sweet baby shoes, too. I remember folding Christmas trees from the Readers Digest when I was a little girl.

Rhonda said...

You had fun, didn't you? Oh, do I love your book pages sculpture, glorious!!

Vintage Market Place said...

oh Gail we are so meant to be friends.
Doll heads and paper, yes!
I haven't even started on my halloween creating, better get to it, huh?