Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A home to call your own.............:)

My sister and her dh are moving into a place on the Oregon coast soon.....I'm so happy for them and so happy for us as well.
We'll all be so much closer to each other! They've been traveling for quite some time in their motor home and I think they've had enough.
Now the photo above is NOT their new home.....just one I found online that will be a bit similar.
It will be so much fun to visit them as they'll only be about 1 hour away from us.
I see many trips to the coast in my near future.
What a happy week this is!


laurie -magpie ethel said...

Hurray! Will be nice to have them close by and nothing better than a spot on the coast.

Kathy said...

What a happy development!!

Rhonda said...

How sweet! I wish my sister lived an hour away! I'm so happy for you Gail. Does she love to hunt treasures, like you do?

Vintage Market Place said...

I bet you can't wait!
I know how much you hated them to leave a while back.
So happy it all worked out and is just a hop away from you.